Rabu, 13 Juli 2011


Still travel around the north Sumatran field this time I will introduce a tourist spot that is really exciting Sipiso-piso WaterfallSipiso-piso Waterfall is located not far from the village of Tongging in Karo, North Sumatra. Located in lowland areas, and Sipiso-piso Waterfall located on the hill, so water flows height can reach 800 meters above sea level. Surrounding hill-piso Waterfall Sipiso very green and cool, and most plants are pine trees.Waterfall Sipiso-piso piso derived from the word (or a knife in Bahasa Indonesian). That's because high water discharge flowing from the top of the hill, so it looks bladed (like a sharp knife). Attractions Sipiso-piso Waterfall managed by the Local Government Karo Regency, North Sumatra.To go Sipiso-piso Waterfall, it takes about 2 hours travel time from Medan. Its location, only about 20 kilometers from Kabanjahe, the capital of Karo Regency. Moda transportasipun not difficult. You can use public transportation from Medan to Kabanjahe terminal, or rent a motor vehicle. Not only domestic tourists, tourists who visit the many alien Sipiso-piso Waterfall, such as the Netherlands, Malaysia and France.In addition to the Village Tongging where Sipiso-piso Waterfall is located, next to the village, the village of Tao Silalahi else can you visit and very interesting. Tanah Karo scenery from the top of the hill you can enjoy from a height through the substation Pandang. And Lake Toba, the largest volcanic lake in the world-can be seen from here. And like a waterfall in general, to be able to enjoy the water droplets, you need to down some stairs till it reaches the bottom of the waterfall. Be careful with the wet and slippery conditions when wet.Sipiso-piso Waterfall will flow to Lake Toba. With a height of 120 meters from the upper heights, loud sound of water droplets to below the hill. Surrounding natural scenery is also very amazing. Completed a tour in Sipiso-piso Waterfall, if you need lodging, you can stay in the village of Tongging, or it could be in downtown Kabanjahe.

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